Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas at the UJV

What an amazing Christmas day. Full of singing, dancing, gifts and of course feasting! Every child woke up this morning to find a gift in their bed, a new stuffed animal. They also all received a new outfit for Christmas. After a breakfast of omelets they got all dressed up in their new clothes and headed off to church. In Africa they really know how to celebrate! Singing, dancing and shouting all for the King of the Universe who came down to be with us! Happy Birthday Jesus! After church there were so many smiling kids as they ate the Christmas feast. The mama’s worked so hard preparing chicken, matoke, irish potatoes, and rice. The children’s bellies were very happy and satisfied. We took pictures of all the kids in their new clothes. Some of the boys even learned how to tie the new ties they received. After our feast it was time for more singing and dancing! Another surprise for the kids, 14 flags in many colors were sewn for them to wave to the Lord. It was great to see how excited they were to praise with the flags, the Mama's really loved them too! At our local church Streams of Life there was an afternoon concert and the UJV was invited to perform. They sang two songs and even got the flags out to add to the celebration. The day finished off with a poi demonstration (fire spinning), a movie and Christmas baking for all to enjoy. Wow, what a wonderful day. Praise God for Christmas in Africa! Thanks to everyone who helped make this day so great for the kids! - love Amy


Tiffany said...

Hooray for Jesus at the UJV!!! Thank you so much Amy for posting this blog and new photo albums. Such a JOY to see the beautiful faces of the kids again. And Scovia all dressed up in her beautiful new white dress...all the girls look so gorgeous and the guys so handsome in their ties! I long to see you all again :O) Blessings and grace be upon you in Jesus Name!


Unknown said...

This is wonderful work and so needed. I would love to get in touch with you through email about possible partnership. I started a ministry that will be working to transform the hearts and lives of girl child soldiers in Northern Uganda through Jesus' love and power. We have much of the same vision and I am excited about what God is doing in Uganda! Please contact me! www.zionproject.org

Unknown said...

I really love the work you have done in our country. Sarita Hartz thanks for the work in northern Uganda, my mother hails from there and I am touched by what you have done there.
From Revival in Uganda