Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Back in Africa

We have safely safely arrived with our family in Kampala, Uganda after a 5 week visit to Canada. We had an amazing time connecting with friends and family.

Last night was the first normal night of sleep for us as the jet lag has been gross! I have finally unpacked all 17 suitcases and so there are piles everywhere. They had a gathering yesterday at 4 pm and it was really sweet as they all sang and danced for us. There was a change amongst the kids, Concy lead worship, Christopher said the opening prayer and Sunday was the MC. Will and Ann are getting ready to leave in a month. Pr. Robert overloaded the UJV truck and it broke so we are all down to 1 vehicle, it's so funny! I have yet to laugh, but I will have to fulfill my new years resolution of walking once a day. We had Henry and Erica over for dinner last night. that as a nice visit although the boys were a bit cranky. It was their first day back to school and Aaron really misses Blake. David's friend Jonathan did David's school work when he was gone- such a sweet boy! Of course Josh doesn't want to go to school!
Well, we have great memories of the greatest Christmas ever and you were a big part of that. Thank you for your encouragement and support. Although Aaron has already starting to ask to go back to Canada. Luke is off to the land and will spend the day there praying and planning with God.Well we pray you will get more joy, comfort, healing, and the great adventures God has for you this year will continue.

Much Love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful Family.
I loved watching the children dancing.God Bless you guys and all you are doing.